Finding Oneness In Duality

Soul Mates, Soul Contracts, Twin Flames

Inanda Joy & Valerie Season 2 Episode 16

Do you believe we were made for one person? 

Inanda shares her experience of the Shamanic direction of the North, and the energy that is held here, including our journey of turning inward to our own wisdom as we shed the guru’s, teachers and guides that we can get attached to. Soul Retrieval, soul integration and Soul contracts are held in the direction of the North. 

This led us to the conversation around Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul contracts.  In a conscious practice, can we have deep soulful connections with the opposite sex and still have it be appropriate and within Inny when the two people are in other committed relationships? Can we choose out of Soul Contracts? Do Twin Flames really exists and are they the “completion” or “other half” of our experience  in deep Spiritual connection? There are so many differing opinions on what it means to have a soul contract with a soul mate, and the eternal longing for the Twin Flame union. Inanda and Val also have their own opinions on what that means, based on their own experiences. Join us for an interesting and reflective conversation around our own experiences and conscious choices in soul connections.

Our Ask today is: “What things today will bring more consciousness to my experience in the choice points that are present?”