Finding Oneness In Duality

DIVINE FLOW.....and then SHIT happens!

Inanda Joy & Valerie Season 1 Episode 12

Episode 12....This episode is a little different. We are consciously choosing to release it unedited, uncut, raw, authentic and imperfect, and this is why. 
We start this episode out so strong and aligned with DIVINE FLOW where everything is flowing with ease and power. As we finished our recording session, the WTF moment happened.....only 23 minutes of amazing content was recorded. We both were disappointed and struggled to step back into the FLOW to re-create what was lost. In our practice of embodiment of the Divine Feminine, we realized that nothing can be re-created and we had a powerful opportunity to basically, SURRENDER and WALK the TALK. So, we step into VULNERABILITY and share our process of EMBODIMENT of being AUTHENTIC to the moment, feeling the DISJOINTEDNESS of our struggle, allowing ourselves to feel what we are feeling in the moment, and TRUSTING THE PROCESS that is present. Our intention is walk our talk, allow for DIVINE FLOW even when things don't feel like they are flowing, and embrace the moment for exactly what it is presenting. It's a practice of SURRENDERING, ALLOWING and BEING. Our ASK today is, What is your practice of the Divine Feminine and how are you embodying that practice? Feel free to share on our IG and FB pages. We'd love to have a conversation.

Speaker 1:

This is Amanda joy and I'm Valerie. And we welcome you to the practice of living from your heart while finding oneness and duality. Don't thumb.

Speaker 2:

Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Val is very happy today. Yes I am. Yesterday was a hard day, so I'm happy to fill light and airy today. I'm glad you feel late. Thank you. Definitely. There's been some density in the air lately, which has been, and I know I'm not the only one that's feeling it. Oh, no, no, no. Yeah. There's a lot moving. There's a lot moving. And of course it is because we're in a huge time of change of death. Right, right. Which is so exciting.

Speaker 1:

So Val and I was like, okay, am I here in my present? We just opened, uh, we create, we always create a container every time we do our podcast, because what we do is very a, we love what we do, but we also are doing it with a lot of intention and purpose. Uh, and this today we have no, usually we have a little bit of an idea of what we're to talk about, but today it's like no clue what, when you were opening the directions, we had crazy cool energy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So what I do love is that, um, our approach to this as a very feminine approach, where we're stepping into a place of inspiration and intuition and just surrendering to what wants to come through and that yeah, it's, it's so beautiful container. Yeah. So, um, let's just maybe start with how we are. Cause we get to be exactly where we're at. Right. So how are you doing today? Um, I, like I said, I

Speaker 1:

I've been definitely going through some density, you know, I, with going through the week Lyme practitioner shamonic training, which is a lot of West work. Interesting. I'm kind of, I'm trying to, I'm, I'm having a wonderment at wondering what the West energy was that came in. Do you want to just give a little more expansion on, on that and what happened? So in the shamonic practice, the West is Jaguar Jaguars, a life death life cycle. And we do a lot of work around ancestral, um, not trauma, but you're also, you're looking for patterns of, of like the stories that you hold. And some of them, a lot of them are actually from our ancestors are not even ours. And then we, I do work too with the personal triangle where we creating our own triangle of disempowerment, not with anyone else, but just with ourselves. And it's always, it's always a fascinating process to step in and, and witness that in a physical embodiment cause we do different exercises. And then in the practitioner, it's all around entity extractions and crystallized energy extractions, which is fascinating. And it was a really beautiful process. And ever since then, I definitely am in a deep place of integration and noticing the, like the only thing I could explain it is there's a disjointedness within and I can feel, I almost feel like there's a cleansing that's happening of some old, like one of the pieces that I'm working on is receiving in multiple places, receiving love and friendship, receiving money, receiving, you know, whatever it is because I am definitely am more of a natural ability at giving that's my that's where I'm comfortable. And, you know, with, with writing a book and now as a shaman practitioner, like I've been missing my business, you know, some aspects, it was easier to have employees to go do things. And I miss the creative process and, and the fact that it had been in business for 11 years, you know, there's already that movement and now I'm starting over and everything's all about me. You know what I'm creating, what I'm putting out there. Can I share authentically and vulnerable vulnerably and you know, all of those, all of those places and in some aspects it's, it's challenging. So I'm, I'm in an interesting space and feeling a little heavier and I'm trying to just allow myself to be with it because my natural state is judging at what's wrong. What's wrong with me, you know, all of those places, but I'm also calling in for, I don't know, I'm calling in a lot. I'm always calling in a lot. That's just my personality. So I'm just trying to be with it and the energetics of the planet and everything that's going on on top of, it's just, there's just a lot. And I know I'm not the only one that's feeling. Oh no, the heaviness, the denseness, the what the fuck. Well, what I feel is happening,

Speaker 2:

bringing in my big picture view and I don't mean to define your experience. Um, but it does. I think it's interesting because you're not the first one that I've had this conversation with and my vent in my own process of this the last two years, three years of really stepping into the divine feminine, which are those qualities of surrender, those qualities of vulnerability, those call it, those qualities of deep creative expression, um, of receiving of receiving with grace rather than I have to give, to receive it's. And yes, that comes in in a balanced way, but really I'm worthy to receive. I'm worthy to be in that element of water and receive and enjoy the abundance of life. Abundance is a feminine quality. And, um, I feel like on a global level, what is happening is we're moving from these very, um, patriarchal, masculine energy, not men, masculine energy dominated structures and not the divine masculine, not the demand. Yes, yes. Hierarchal. Um, how are empowerment? Like power, power over not empowerment, meaning you are embodying your own power, but someone else has power over you. Um, which would be slavery, right? Right. If someone has power over you and no one has power over you, unless you give it permission to have power over you. Right. So bringing in that, um, piece, I feel like we are a hundred percent accountable for that. Right. Um, so all of these masculine energetic structures that are part of our world are breaking down and the divine feminine is coming in to rise. And the only way the divine feminine can come into form is if each of us step into our divine feminine, right? Because we are God's inform and we are the expression of God in form. So each of us are in our own personal work of what is that within me? So microcosm macrocosm, right? So on a meta level, this is asking to be shifted on our planet. What does that require? Or what is the ask that each of us individually does that work? Because I can't tell you how many people I talk to that are masculine, dominated, you know, in their own bodies, like even psychosomatically, um, a class I took, um, well by Kristi foster, obviously we love her bringing him her work. Again, she takes a picture of your face and she splits it into two sides. And then she puts the two right sides together and the two left sides together. So you can see a complete picture of how your body is expressing your masculine side and your feminine side. And again, everyone has both right. Mine was fascinating to see because I've been so right side dominant, so masculine dominant, and I've got to push through things. Um, there's, it's all scarcity. There's not enough time. There's not enough money. There's not enough. There's not enough. There's not enough. There's not enough. You know, run, run, run, push, push, push, um, beat yourself into the ground type things, type thinking. That's been my life. And three years ago when I took this class or maybe two years ago, um, my body, my soul, the universe, whatever was really asking me to shift and to more surrender, more receiving more abundance, not scarcity. There's always enough time. There's always enough money. There's always enough resources. There's always enough community. And it's, where am I aligning my belief system? Because I am the ultimate creator of my experience, right? So it's interesting to view it from that perspective

Speaker 1:

that nothing's going to change on our planet. And last we do our individual work and we each start showing up in a new way. We can keep feeding the system of division, separation, slavery, power, over hierarchal, whatever that's not working, or we can go in and do our individual work and start embracing and integrating these concepts of fluidity, of creativity, of vulnerability, of expression, of abundance, of every there's enough of everything and do that dance. Like I'm moving my body because I'm feeling it moves through me. Like it's a dance of creation. Yeah. Yeah. I love all that. And I, a few things that I would love to add is for me personally, I feel like one of the things that I've worked on for a while is really how can I be a clean and clear vessel is the best way to explain it and really connecting to source. And you and I were just talking this morning about in this book, it talks about how our natural state is to be connected, to switch then just in the great human potential and kind of the, the idea that really it's as simple as just letting go of the illusions that we are separate from source. And there there's always the dichotomy of, it's just as simple as that, is it just as simple as just going, Oh, I am always connected to source. There's nothing. That's actually out of balance in me, unless I say it is. And, and yet there are things that are out of balance because of our lives that we're living in the trauma or the stress, whatever it is that we've experienced so far, both are true. And, and I do believe it could be as simple of, you know, what I am connected to source and there's nothing, there's nothing broken inside of me. Right. And in my West work, actually, one of the pieces that I was really working with was the patriarchy, the patriarchy, and how it's ran my life. And I do want to clarify that one of the pieces to that I've actually been working on is bringing in more of it. The question was asked of me that maybe I need to work on, on magnifying, more of the divine masculine. And I'm like masculine something I'm really good at it's the feminine that I'm not so good at, but it's the divine masculine, right? There is a difference between masculine and divine masculine and the divine masculine has a softer, it's like the, um, it's like the, Oh, what's the word? Uh, it's like a warrior who, who actually has his sword and is willing to yield it when it's needed. But otherwise it's sitting on its back and walks with softness with grace and is able to receive knowing that the world is abundant, but can go be the protector when needed, you know, that kind of, you have this grid on your face. I love synchronicity and I didn't want to interrupt you. So I'm just holding space until you're done. So not done, but just, there's something I want to share around

Speaker 2:

this that I think is magic. I love magic. So I, the other piece, again, just clarifying the difference between divine, masculine and masculine. There is a huge difference. So you and I both are really good at the masculine. Do, do, do go, go, go lead, you know, tell people, you know, as a business owner, you, you do get good at the, the masculine side of, of life. And for me, I've been trying to actually pull in the cosmic body, the divine masculine and the divine feminine, which is the Trinity. Right. And pulling all of that within and having that in balance. But I love it. What is it that you okay, so I have this awesome shamonic Oracle deck. Um, I think it's called shamonic Oracle. I don't have it in front of me, so I can't reference it, but I pulled three cards. And so when you're talking about, Oh, you do have it. I'm trying to think if I, I probably was the mystical ShawMan Oracle right there. It's in the box anyway. Um, I pulled three cards a few days ago and it was actually in a community space that I am involved in. Um, but the three cards that I pulled I feel are coming through for today. And when you're talking about the warrior energy, it's the illuminated warrior. And that, to me, when you're saying that that's who I saw is the illuminated warrior where it's a peaceful warrior and you can, um, yes, will the sword when you need to for change, but it's not in the divide and conquer warrior way. Um, let me see if I can find it, not in the aggressive, aggressive soar, but in that it is a peaceful warrior. The illuminated warrior. I love that the other card that I pulled was the moon. So here we have masculine feminine, right? And the third card that I pulled was fire, which to me is saying, the fire is the alchemical process that we go to, um, transmute, transmute, and transform the energies we've been in, right? It, it takes something of lower density into a higher frequency, um, because that's what fire does, right? It changes it into a different form. I love the invitation for the card, fire, warm your hands and your heart by your inner fire, let it burn away your hardships, let it consume your pain. And your sorrow has like become too rigid, too cold, or too superficial light a candle, or make a bonfire and toss into the flames. Everything that has become stiff and painful, give it all to the fire for rapid transformation, set your life on fire. I love it. And that's what we're in, right? We're in a cycle of rapid transformation on a planetary human level, rapid transformation. And the only way it's going to happen is if we each do our own fire work, right? Moving from these low frequency density though, vibration energies that we, that we hold in our bodies, we hold in our DNA. We hold in our family systems. We hold in our structures of our communities, of our, um, country of the world and bring it into the alchemical fire process to be transmuted into a higher frequency of abundance of expression. What if everyone could do their soul work and find the perfect amount of support for them? So one of the pieces that I would love to offer four, by the way, here's the luminous warrior. If you want to read a part of that later, uh, when, especially when I do my shamonic sessions and one of the pieces that I feel like any, anytime you have anything that's dense, it's not a, it's not a practice of an, Val's not saying this either of, of moving it aside or let's change it. It's understanding the gift, the wisdom, and why you chose into that. There's always a gift in the things that we choose, good, bad, evil, whatever you want to call it. We always, there's always a gift in it. And that's part of the alchemy outcome, mythical outcome. Our chemical process is do we, are we brave enough? Do we have enough courage to step into those shadowy places? Cause our world's in a shadow right now, but within and go, okay, I get why I chose this. I get why I'm on the triangle with this. I get why this is pinging me. This is whatever, whatever it is. Do you have enough courage to actually sit down and go really deep into those places, go into the tunnel because you will always come out the other side and sit with it and see the wisdom, the gifts and why you chosen to it because nobody, nobody is forcing anything on you. Nobody is actually making you the victim. You have chosen into it on some level. And I understand that's a hard thing to really hear, but it's true. Yes. A hundred percent agree and it's personal accountability, right? And that's what takes you out of that victim place, which if you're in a victim, you're giving up your power. That's what the definition is. Something has power over you and you're victim to it, right? So for me, I like to feel empowered, which means I am in my power in my body, which means I can change the things I don't enjoy. Right. I can change it to a better expression for me if I feel stuck. And there's no hope that just brings me down, you know? So I would rather live with the, the belief, the value that I always can change. The things that don't work. Right? And again, there are certain circumstances that you are a victim to, there are some things that are horrific, but it's having that victim mentality. Are you going to continue being a victim of whatever that thing was that been in your mouth that did happen? And now what, how can I use it to alchemize this? How can I alchemize this and use it as more of an empowerment of, yes, this is part of what I went through, but this is what I gained from it. Yes. And I believe the gifts come from the shadow. They come from the hard, hard soul wrenching places. They can that's one way. And now I am asking for a different experience of gifts, where it comes in with ease, it comes in with abundance. It comes through relationships. It comes through community. It comes through just because I'm deserving. And those are that's the feminine quality, right? I don't have to do anything to deserve it, to receive it. All I have to do is be open for it and believe that I'm worthy for it to come to me to step into that divine flow. That's the, that's the language that's been coming through for me this last couple of weeks when we are so in alignment, I'm in the feminine, it's divine flow and there's nothing you have to do. It's going to come to you. You're in the current of it. And it flows to you. And for me, um, my whole second shocker is like lit up right now. It's second chakra work. That is the place of relationships. That's where we relate to life. Your second chakra sits right below your belly button, right? Between your pubic bone and your belly button, sexuality, all your organs, um, your, the color orange. Yes, yes. Is sexual creation. Um, which does not. Yes. It embodies the sexual act, but it is what you are here to birth into the world and you don't have to be a woman to give birth. Okay. Maybe to a human baby, you have to be a woman, but your birth to ideas. Yes, yes, we do it all the time. We're all creators. Our words are creative. We are so powerful in what we create just by our language. Like understanding that what we speak is putting thought into a creative current. So that's why it's so important to be in aware of your language and start looking at your language and see, what is this creating for me? Is this language scarcity in, in its roots or is it abundance like this morning? Um, my life has kind of exploded this last few weeks because I finally decided to start saying yes, start saying yes to the things that light my soul on fire. And, um, I'm in a different flow. This divine flow. Oh my gosh. Look at that. Beautiful. There is this big Monarch butterfly that just flipped to the window. Thank you. Um, but I just feel in this divine flow and it's challenging me where I'm holding on ideas of scarcity and this morning it was time because there's so many good things that are coming into my life right now. And it's the things I've been asking for for a long time, like minded community, a different relationship with money, a different relationship with creation. A Robinson's flew by a different experience in the world, um, in an abundant form that just comes to me. And so I'm like, okay, okay, okay. This fire hose has been turned on. How do I, my languages manage it? Right? No managing is, um, scarcity language. So how do I shift my relationship with time? So it takes me to this place that I believe time is an illusion. We create time and our energy around time is our belief system. So if I'm constantly feeding myself the truth, that I don't have enough time, I don't have enough time. I don't have enough time. I'm creating scarcity. And that's your reality. And that becomes my reality. So then I'm always feeling like I'm falling short. I can't get it. I can't do it all that does it. And it puts me in a low vibration and actually puts you in a little bit of a place of resistance, which is huge resist as it's ironic. And then I start shutting down and I start disengaging and all those things I've been pleading for go away. And then I go, I can drop into victim mentality. Oh, I'm just not worthy of it. Well, no, I get to choose that I have this, this ability to shift my relationship, which is second chakra to time. So this morning I woke up and I was like, okay, I believe I have I'm in power, empowered in my body. And how I experience time. How can a shift? Well, I'm going to start with my language. And so my mantra today is there's always enough time for all the things. And then I'll even say out loud sometimes. All right. Yeah. Spirits. I need you to full time for me today. Yeah. And it actually works. It does because time is fluid and it's an illusion. It's something that we've created yes. On this planet. So it goes from a three D experience, which time is limited. And it's linear to a five day experience in that all time exists at the same point of time. And you got to get into your big, big visionary thinking here all time exists in the same point of time. And we get to choose how time unfolds for us. So by the statement, the creative statement of there's enough time for everything I am stepping into my God self and my practice has been lately using my God. All right. So you're obviously gonna notice that there's a little, um, glitch in the flow of what I was just sharing a totally. So we just had an experience where we recorded a kick ass podcast and it was probably the perfect amount of time. We said all the things that we wanted to say, and then we went back to look at it and it only recorded how many minutes? 22 minutes, 23 minutes. So we were going to just like, try to pretend it didn't happen, but we did. It did. And so we're bringing it into the space because it's part of, it's part of it. The irony is you were just talking about time. I know it's hilarious. And we're like, okay, how many more minutes do we have until we got to go, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. And how do we recreate, which we can't recreate. So we're just going to keep going with it. And you were talking about time. I know it's hilarious. I don't even, I mean, we literally blew that. It's hilarious. And there's a beautiful dragonflies sitting outside on a Reed and your little pond area and dragonflies are beautiful, the magic they bring in. So maybe what we talk about

Speaker 1:

that was too much for one podcast. Cause we talked about a lot of stuff. And one of the biggest pieces I feel like we were talking about is just the fact that we are divine conscious creators of our reality.

Speaker 2:

It was so damn good though. I know. And maybe it was just for you and I, Oh, here's a place of surrender. Right? I don't even remember what we've talked to up to this point. All right. So where is it going to take us right now? We're in divine flow. We're in the practice of surrender of the feminine. What what's asking to be coming through right now. Laughter yay. I'm going to speak to the dragon fly that's outside. And I think we have, have we we've talked about that and the gene keys haven't we in another episode, I don't know. I don't remember. So the dragon fly is a powerful symbol of waking up of there's nothing you have to do. You just, your body informs you and things start showing up and you move from being, I think we did a water element to, Oh yeah. A water animal. A flying. Yeah. It just is. Well and that

Speaker 1:

no, if I have already said this, so if I'm re, if we repeat anything, you'll have to give us a little bit of an allowance. But that goes into the idea that, you know, can we understand that we are not separate from source that we are source? Can we just let go of the illusions that we are, that there's something disconnecting,

Speaker 2:

disconnecting us?

Speaker 1:

And that's something that I've been actually in a, in a deeper practice of, of not going into the places where I'm wrong. I'm not going into places where the world is wrong and things need to change. And this is happening and this is a victim I'm being a victim because of this or whatever the shadow aspects are. But understanding that it is all apart of serving, serving ourselves, serving this planet, serving humanity, serving the evolution of man of whatever it was that we, we chosen

Speaker 2:

in this lifetime. Can we, can we be at one with that at one mint? Yeah. I am wanting to circle back to the concept of time, um,

Speaker 1:

and using our God language of creating time of creating whatever we want to experience. Um, Oh, I feel so deflated right now. Well, we were talking too about how, um, Oh my God. I know there's like so many things, so, okay. We're gonna take a deep breath. What wants to, there's gotta be a purpose for the soul wants to come through right now. There's a lot of talk between the three D and the five D and I don't know if you're seeing it out there on social media, you may or may not understand what that means, but in when Val was talking about time, one of the things that is interesting to witness for me, and, and I've been understanding this and alchemizing it a little bit more, as far as my language and my understanding, you know, this idea that there's a five D world that's being created right now pulls us out of the now moment. Some of this, I feel it's hard because you feel like you're repeating yourself. So you're like, but it's not recorded. I know if you're bored, I'm not bored. You're just like motherfucker. You know, I'm trying to get back in the flow anyway, the five D reality and a lot of people in the spiritual community keep talking about, well, this, this is in the greater service. We're moving into a five D reality. And that is true in some aspects, but it pulls us out of the now moment in the now moment is where the magic is. The now moment is where we create our reality reality of what is happening now. And the irony is, is because there is no such thing as time. Anything we do in the now moment reverberates out into all of our timelines. So if right now I am focused on, you know, what, I'm feeling a little bit, I'm having this disconnect or this disjointedness feeling within me. Can I look at that? Can I heal it? Can I alchemize it. And when I, and when I do that, it now reverberates out into all of my lifetimes. Do I want to keep choosing into this narrative? Do I want to keep choosing into the fact that I was a victim of this? So I want to keep choosing into Oh seven generations of family lineage means X, Y, and Z. And when I step out of that, again, it reverberates into all other, all other lifetimes that are happening right now, all other parallel realities, any kind of karmic bullshit, you know, do I even want to buy into that anymore? Well, and it's also in service to,

Speaker 2:

or family line DNA, right? Because as you clear things in your DNA or sorry, as you clear things within yourself, it clears things genetically through the family line. So if, if time, the time linear time, then your time, meaning like going in a straight line from the past to the future, doesn't exist. And that's all happening at the same time, whatever personal work we do in clearing the wounding, that's held in our family lines, that's clearing the wounding. That's held in our, in our bodies. We're clearing it for our family, right? Clearing it back to our ancestors and we're clearing up forward for our also come through us and, um, what a powerful concept. Right. And it does always come back to the self because really, and some, because I know from personal, personal

Speaker 1:

things that I've experienced and experienced with clients, not always do we want to go fucking do work for our ancestors because there's anger there, whatever it is, but when we're doing it for ourselves, we're releasing the anger, we're releasing whatever. And then it can reverberate out to the lineage, to the generations, you know, seven, seven back to what you're saying. And this kind of goes into our shadow work, you know, stepping are we brave enough to go into those places that feel shadowy, that feel disjointed, those places that we're noticing we're reacting from. Why am I reacting? Can I dive? Can I actually go into that dark, deep, dark tunnel? That feels really scary. Am I brave enough? Do I have the courage enough to go in it? And I, I know every one of you do have the courage and you are brave enough to go dive in because what it does is it actually, like we talked about earlier, I think we talked about earlier, it alchemizes the shadow into the light. It changes that experience from something that we're, we're a victim. And it's part of our story of who we are to an empowered story of who we are and not allowing it to run the narrative of what experiences we're calling into our lives. Right?

Speaker 2:

Well, yes, because everything's frequency, right? Yes. What I love

Speaker 1:

and you have brought in Judy Scion as far as the Magdalene manuscript,

Speaker 2:

uh, yeah. It's, uh, uh, the most power of what we were talking about truth. Um, we talked a lot about the element of fire, of how I hope this isn't going to be drained because it was so inflow and we're trusting, you know, we're trusting this process, we're trusting this process. So, okay. Three D five D I want to stay in this realm for a moment. Um, 3d is density and there's a shadow aspect of it, right? There is a shadow aspect of the 3d low vibration energies of hate, of blame, of shame, of holding power over someone which is enslavement of, um, jealousy, jealousy of creating separation. All of that is available in the 3d spectrum. Although all of those, you could say denser, lower frequency emotions. Also, you have the other side of the spectrum of the joy, of the love of the celebration of the communion of the deep passion that we get to experience in 3d. So this idea that 3d is something we need to ascend or transcend, move out. It doesn't resonate with me. I think that's a religious story or a spiritual story

Speaker 1:

repeated, um, that we're trying to get to something better. What's kind of, it's, it's, it's climbing a different kind of ladder. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, Oh, how can I move out of this into something better? How can I, yes. Which is still, it's an experience of duality, right? It's still an experience of separation, right. If I'm this, I'm not that right. So then you're always longing for something else. Yes. Yes. And that is one of actually I was just listening to Richard Ray, Richard reds. Um, he wrote the gene keys. That's his 59th transmission. And that is one of the great addictions of humans are trying to be somewhere other than we're not right where we are. Yeah. Yeah. Like there's always, once I get there, then I'll be happy once I get there, I'll be happy. Once I've ascended 3d, I'll be happy. Once I have ascended from my human form, then I will be God. And once I have this, then it'll make it. So it's still separation. Right. So none of that is true. Right. All of us can echo that. None of that is none of that is true. And it's all true. It's as far as if I have that, it's going to make me happy. No, it won't. If, if you're living in that paradigm of separation, right. It's, it's finding the embodied state of 3d, the density state of 3d with the five D view. Right. And so you did a beautiful job explaining five D like out of space and time out of what I would actually, I will repeat that again, because I think, especially if you're not, you're like what is 3d versus five D and, and Val and I have spoken about this before, but we do both carry a belief that we choose into each lifetime, you know, and even if we are a slave race and if we were a slave race now, you know, did we really choose into that? And, and the answer is yes. And if you look at it from an area of, even in this lifetime, I have a great business idea, Val, I really want to go create this. You want to come in, you know, do this with me. It's going to cost us this much. We're going to have to go and do all this work. And it's going to be, it may be hard, but we really, really want the payout. This is what we think it is going to bring us is the same thing with why we choose into each lifetime, because there's something in there that we're asking to go through the density, which is just like any kind of creation you're going through the density, which, you know, will create this like angsty, or it'll be hard, but we know the payout is going to be whatever it is. We believe that this is what the Pat will be. It's the same thing of why we chosen to this realm of the three D reality of this dense plane. The density allows for us to embody more of an experience, because like you spoke to earlier, the 3d is where we get to have a human physical form and where we can feel things more deeply and entrenched in. And we've kind of in a sense of victimized ourselves to our emotions, especially as women, as both and women. But for me as a female, I have been a victim to my emotions most of my life, instead of allowing it to show me, okay, there's something there that's asking to be looked at. There's an emotion that's asking to be expressed or something underneath this. What is it? And giving it an opportunity to have an expression, because that is part of the orchestra of the life that we are living right now. And to what you're saying, can I be in this 3d realm, understanding that yes, they chose into this. I chosen to all this density right now. Why did I choose into this? What's my purpose here, which goes into the, your point of freedom, which I would love for you to bring back up, but can I have a five D mentality of, I am one with source. I am a divine conscious co-creator of life. I'm living in abundant reality. This is showing me whatever it is that that is asking to be alchemized within my physical being so that I can have a higher expression of my source self, my grounded rooted self with Gaia.

Speaker 2:

It's all part of our expression and our experience. And I believe it's the healing that's taking place right now on the planet, on the planet, um, in humanity, from the shadow aspects of masculine and feminine, feminine. Why can't I say that word feminine, fem just feminine or femininity, feminine, feminine, masculine, and feminine. Right. Um, coming from the shadowy parts or the disempowered parts into a higher expression of a five D divine, masculine, divine, feminine, and how we embody that in a 3d form and the divine union between the two and your source self. Yeah. Yes. So the three, yes, yes. Which is odd. There's the Trinity people, right? So another allusion of what that means, right. Um, we are gods, you are God, you are co-creator with your source self, right. And that's a five D concept, right? And when we're stuck in a three D mindset, it's really hard to understand that time doesn't exist. It's really hard to accept and understand that I am a co-creator in my source as a source self, that I am God. It's really hard to accept that, um, there's a divine flow that we can step into and we can experience an elevated, uh, relationship in the world with time, with money, with relationship to other people where we can, these elevated ideas of abundance. Abundance is a five D principle in that there's enough for everyone. There's always enough. There's always enough. We've been living in a three D scarcity where it's controlled, right? Because we're in the illusion of being controlled. Well, the irony is, I think

Speaker 1:

too, with not irony, but as long as we have been in an existence on this planet, in this lifetime, there's negative connotations about witches around anything that plays any kind of magical like, Oh, wait, what, what are you doing? Who are you calling in? Who are you channeling? I mean, up until recently, people who channeled source energy or other entities were deemed as like, Oh, that's woo. I know you love that word. Or let's even go to conspiracy theorists, you know, up until recently. Now it's like, Oh fuck. Maybe conspiracy theorists actually do have a little bit. Yeah, they're true seekers. And so this goes into

Speaker 2:

this, this paradox of

Speaker 1:

us being somewhat of slaves to the systems that have been put in place. And these people who've been the puppeteers and the illusions of the programs that have been running in our movies and our TV shows and all these things even just think about, um, what's the, uh, doctor strange doctor strange is a great one. Oh yeah. I love that movie. Any movie that's out there has come from someplace. It's not just a creation of something that never has existed. It exists. Can we magically create Portet portals and vortexes and do all these amazing things? Can we grow limbs? Can we, can we, can we, alchemize our physical body with just tone and harmonics, as far as this morning, you did with your yeah. What we're wanting to do. You're sending these messages into myself and, and healing my physical body just by my intention and my knowing of what my magic is, because I am a co-creator with sores. I know how to create, I know how to do all these things. I've just forgotten. Right? So it's a re remembering of all of these pieces,

Speaker 2:

birthing of the divine feminine, because all of these ideas yes. In how it's expressed, but the ideas and the, the practice is a divine feminine relationship. Right. And then we put it in practice in a divine, in a divine masculine, right. So we receive in the feminine, feminine. I can't say that word today. Um, and we create, we like put it out. I'm using the wrong hand. We put it out.

Speaker 1:

That was really just drained it out because everything was crazy.

Speaker 2:

Um, that's where the divine masculine is how we put it out in the world. Right? So, but everything you're explaining shamanism WCA, which is the practice of witchcraft, um, sorcery of being a channel, those are all femme deep feminine practices, which does not mean you have to be female, but it's, that's where it's the energy is flowing from is from a feminine source. And then as expressed or it's put into creation is taken like it's given out at, in a masculine way, a divine masculine way.

Speaker 1:

I believe that divine masculine also is part of receiving, I think, together with the union of the two that lives within each of us, the possibility of the divine and the divine feminine living in the physical embodiment. It is a combination of all things, because I believe that divine masculine does have the aspect of creation of receiving of, yes, they're more of the actor and that the, how do I step out into this? What I was talking more of the practice of WCA of shamanism, it is feminine. It's feminine energy, which is why I just hear me. Onic, isn't feminine to me. Just hear me out for a second, which is why, well, it's in tune with the cycles of the earth, right? It's in tune with the elements is in tune with, and you definitely know more about shamanism than I do. But my understanding is

Speaker 3:

it's in

Speaker 1:

awareness of the feminine counterpart to the masculine. And that's why when we moved into a patriarchal system, it was all deemed evil. It was all shut down. It was killed murdered. It was wiped out. It was erased because we moved into an imbalance of a more patriarchal, masculine, not divine masculine, but masculine expression. When, when was that all erased? I'm not following you on that part. And you say the divine and the PA not the divine, but the patriarchy and the history like in, because it's still playing out. Well, of course it is, but it's been taken out of Maine, like the mainstream, if you will, it's not, it's been the witch hunt, like we've talked about in this other podcast. I'm just not expressing myself now. So I'm throwing a tantrum to Denver dandruff. So you just talk, I'm going to drink water. Okay. I love you. I know you do

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

none of that matters, right? Because everything, if everything is from an individual perspective, then the way I may view something, you may view it different because our experiences are different with it. Absolutely. Gaia I've been, yes. She has more femininity with her, but there's also the divine masculine, divine, feminine that lives within her. No, I agree with you. It's just, I know practices that were then

Speaker 3:

viewed, deemed,

Speaker 1:

I know this isn't where we're supposed to be and I'm letting go of supposed to too. So I do feel like, you know, there's a lot of layers right now that are happening in the planet. A lot of shadow aspects, so much shadow we're in eclipse energy, which like you've said, eclipses, um, eclipses is so many things, which means it brings a shadow to the light. So if all the shadow is coming up on the planet, and there are so many places that we can look at that we can fight for, that we can go into. But where's the core, what's the core piece in all of this. If you can, instead of peeling back a layer at a time, because that gets tiring and gets overwhelming and you can get really chaotic in the energy of what's happening on the planet. Whereas the core of, of what's being asked right now on the planet and in my opinion, it's a, it's an ask of removing the veil, not the Val. I don't wanna use that word because that reminds me Mormonism, pulling back the curtain. The word does Maya it's illusion. Yeah. Can we get past the illusions of separateness? Because there's a reason why there's separateness happening on the planet. Do you want to keep going or not? I don't know. I'm not feeling it anymore. I feel like we're trying to force it. I know, but what else are we going to record? I don't know. I don't want to come from a place of force and it feels, I feel like I'm, I am trying to force a flow that I'm not failing. Hey, Val, how are ya? Which is so interesting. It's 1136. I know you gotta go. I gotta go. I can't force it. Well, maybe we don't have podcasts that drops this week, or maybe we, I think we're going to be home Tuesday. We may come home Wednesday. Maybe we just plan a,

Speaker 4:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Our last podcast was amazing. We can't force it though. It's so out of alignment, you know what I mean? What is the ask for you and I in this surrender to the moment that's for me, it's surrendered to the moment. Yeah. I mean, it fucking sucks. Cause that was brilliance. I know only a 20 something minutes. I mean, we could even listen to that and like mercury, retrograde, fuck you. Mercury retrograde. So our ask right now is can we be in the flow of surrendering to what is yeah. But do you want to put that out? Like just all of that. No, it's just jointed. If anything, I would, we could look at doing the first 20 something minutes and the, so this just happened and here's their ask of, can you be in the flow of what? I think that might be powerful. Let's just do a quick ending. That's what I'm wondering is that might be really powerful. It could just be, you know, we've, we've been sitting here trying to somewhat force this podcast after it was so natural and it's so flowed and it was beautiful and it is not happening. Yeah. So we're letting go. Yeah. And the ass that we're putting out there for ourselves and must be out in the energetics, I guess I just have to laugh because it's such a feminine practice of surrender. Yeah, it is. I've just saying what the fuck just happened and it is what it is and it's okay. And it's okay. Yeah, but it was fucking brilliant too. Baggy all the near it. Cause it was amazing. Well, who knows? Maybe our next episode it'll come back and maybe it was timing and maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe who knows what if blah, blah, blah, all those things. It just is. So here's a practice of deep surrender letting go. It doesn't have to be perfect. Oh, and I will say that's hard for me multiple times on your podcast. You're like, Oh, this is so synchronistic. You've said it at least three times. So maybe this was just for you and I today. Yeah. All right. We're leaving it there folks. What's the trickster. The trickster energy just came in. Yeah. A lot of divine feminine too. So who knows? Five minutes straight. We're just surrendering and this will be a different episode. So go us first. We're stuffing into the unknown and the, the new creation go S have a great day. Peace out in your practice of surrender as we try and do it, did we say, do we did it, do we do an ask if that was the asphalt surrender? Okay. Okay. Right. Yeah.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

thank you so much for joining us today and spending some of your valuable time with us. We hope there was something that you gained in your awareness that you can now share into the world. Remember you are a divine creator. So what are you creating today? Come check us out on Instagram, finding oneness and duality. We'd love to hear your feedback. We would just love to hear from you. Please feel free to come check us out. Relationships are two sided. So come be the other side,

Speaker 5:

you want it's too long. Thank you. So, okay. You had to pull that in. Laughter is good for the soul. Alright.

Speaker 1:

That's squirrel. Okay.