Finding Oneness In Duality
Finding Oneness In Duality
Riots, Racism & Slavery
Episode 11....Wow! We are immersed by such INTENSE ENERGY right now on our planet, and in our Country. None of the current issues of Racism, Violence, Slavery, Division are new, they have been going on for centuries, the difference is that NOW they are being seen and felt on the surface. The deep wounding that is being exposed can no longer being hidden in the shadows. The Triangle of Disempowerment is in full activation between Victim, Perpetrator, and Rescuer and the energetics and pain are on the surface and swirling around creating CHAOS, CONFUSION, MOVEMENT, AND NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHANGE.
So, now what? What can we do in such an overwhelming time? We would like to offer that the answers are WITHIN each of us, through our own personal work of healing. What if our experience in the current paradigm is IN SERVICE to showing each of us where our individual wounding is and how we can start our process of INVOLUTION, going inward to witness what is asking to be seen, heard, and healed? And from the inner work, we can engage in a process of EVOLUTION to a new paradigm.
If we continue to go outside of ourselves and engage in BLAME, SHAME, VIOLENCE, DIVISION, we will continue to feed the program of SLAVERY, RACISM, VIOLENCE, and DISEMPOWERMENT. We CANNOT expect to have RADICAL CHANGE by feeding the collective with the same energies that have been so damaging to ALL OF US. The world doesn't need more of the low level frequencies we've been swimming in. What we need is RADICAL UNITY which only comes through the INNER work of HEALING and INTEGRATION so that we may come together and start having a conversation from a place of WHOLENESS rather than from WOUNDING, that is IN SERVICE to the COLLECTIVE.
Our ask today is, "How can we see all sides of the narrative, and how much of inner wounding is controlling our individual narrative and how much are we allowing our narrative to be controlled?" Take a deep breath, feel into your body, and be so brave.
REFERENCES: The Great Human Potential: Walking in One's Own Light. Teaching from the Pleiades and the Hathors by Tom Kenyon and Wendy Kennedy. For channeled sound healings from the Arcturians and Hathors go to tomkenyon.com. To read more about Synarchy check out Richard Rudd's work in The Gene Keys.
This is Amanda joy and I'm Valerie. And we welcome you to the practice of living from your heart while finding oneness and duality. Don't thumb.
Speaker 2:Good morning.
Speaker 1:Good morning episode, whatever we, well, I thought it was 11, 11, 11. I don't remember, but how exciting it is. Exciting. Yeah. And yet today is good. God. Well, I just finished my I've been in a, a week of deep medicine, deep personal work, um, as well as practitioner work for shamanism and yeah, there's all this anx in the world happening.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's a really interesting, um, polarity that's going on right now and yeah.
Speaker 1:Uh, yeah, it's an injury. It's an interesting place. Yeah. While I found myself, well, first off, I do want to mention that we brought Kwania into the space today, which Kleinian is, I'll let you,
Speaker 2:she's the goddess of compassion. She holds that frequency of compassion, which I feel is so needed right now because we're so polarized. It's so charged a deep wounding is being exposed and being asked to be healed.
Speaker 1:And I believe we're not going to do that
Speaker 2:in the way we've been doing it in the past. We need to have elevated experience frequency,
Speaker 1:um, offerings. You can't fight violence with violence. You can't fight racism with racism. You can't, uh, turn it into us and them, that's how it's been. And I believe that the energy of compassion is the bridge, how to find compassion and support and interconnectedness. So I know there was some nervousness about speaking to this today.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah. There's so much shaming going on right now. If you're not in the narrative that's being sold. And I do believe it's being sold. I do believe it's be it's hazard and agenda. And I do believe it's important and it's something that needs to be looked at and it needs to be hilt. And there's so much like truth in shadow truth and shadow truth and a shadow in the same field as so fascinating. Right? So here we are too
Speaker 1:white women in our forties, married and divorced have had pain loss heartache, um, have had fear have had what else? You know, you, you list off, but you know, just saying that you that are listening, how many of you just pass judgment? And I'd love to pose that question because I feel personally that this isn't, this is a tricky topic because I know I'm seeing so people charged and, and so much, like you talked about the violence and things that are happening in most writers, don't even really truly know why they're rioting, why they're angry, why they're, they're doing the things that they're doing some do. But at the, at the core of it, it's exposing, like you said, a shadow piece that all of us actually pass judgment. And in some aspect that's normal, right? If a woman is walking down the street and there is a man behind her, what is it? Instantly trigger, concern, fear, safety. What do I know? I'm I look up, I don't look down. I'm aware of my surroundings. I'm confident. I'm strong. Okay. Where's my escape routes. As nothing to do with the color of the skin it has to do with gender. Is that a form of racism?
Speaker 2:Well, it says it's a form of, um, I fell victim mentality because the difference there is when you are in the victim mentality, my belief is we're so powerful in how we create our reality. If we're holding the frequency and vibration of victim mentality, we're going to bring in reasons to be victim. And I say this with so much, um, respect, I'm not demeaning belittling, reducing anyone's experience of being a victim. It's a real thing. What I'm offering is empowerment in that field. And if you, when you're in a space of not feeling safe, if you breathe into your power center, we also called in, um, green Tara. You breathe into your power center into that sovereign self, and you radiate that confidence out, you are creating an experience of safety. One,
Speaker 1:one fast. I agree. And what is fascinating is I've been sitting in the West. So in the shamonic medicine, will you go into each direction? So Southwest Northeast, the West is a lot of triangle work the Southwest too, but we really got into the personal triangle. And what is fascinating is the triangle is so active right now. When you talk about victim perpetrator, triangle of justice and power maps, victim perpetrator, rescuer, it is so active, like so active. And what's actually fascinating to, um, with the triangle when you do notice that you're in it with what Val speaking to and okay, I'm going to step out of the triangle and actually hone in my, whatever it is, where I am confident. And I'm exuding that, and I'm not. And the victim mentality or the rescuer or the perpetrator. And I'm in my empowered sovereign self of what's my truth in this moment. Um, there's a lot more, I, it was, it was posed that when we're on the triangle, it's very difficult to see options when we're off the triangle. There's a thousand, right? Because the energy inside the triangle, when you're on it is very swirly, right? The energy off the triangle is not. So you're able to see a little bit more than, than when you're on it. Right. Um, why I wanted to speak to the idea of judgment. There's so much shame and judgment that has been thrown around right now. And I posted this a couple of weeks, well that maybe a week or two ago about judgment, what judgment does this create separation? It puts us into an us and that, or them or me or whatever it creates separation. Right? And I'm right now we need radical unity, not separation, not division. Yes. And that's what I believe the narrative increase driving in. If you divide and conquer people or allow them to divide and conquer themselves, you keep them enslaved. So I liked the, here's another question I'd like to pose because you and I have this have similar beliefs. What if I, what happened to George Floyd was wrong? There's no question about it. Everyone, everyone agrees, but if you're paying attention, there are other people being killed right now, and that is wrong. But there's hardly any talk about that. The business owner that got slaughtered in the streets by rioters, who was trying to protect his business. I don't know if you've seen those images. They're horrific. Nobody's talking about this. And this gets me a little bit charged because this again, is that what you're talking about is radical separation, right? And I do believe, and this is where I really get fired up. It was, it was by the puppeteers. I believe this was created by the ones that think they can control us. When we talked about the last podcast with the reptilian brain and some of those aspects that may, I hope you guys listened to it. If you are open to that idea at all, and then you watch actually what's playing out right now, where there were piles of bricks placed at different locations and where the hell did they even come from? That were by the big cities where the rioters were, right. There is proof that certain individuals have paid to have rioters go into peaceful protests and start exuding and manifesting violence, which then triggers the rest of the people to start. Not all, but usually it will. It's like that moths to a flame, you know, you're already triggered, you're there protesting something. You're trying to do it in a peaceful way. But if somebody starts charging that flame, it's going to, it's going to ignite. Um, I know I have a personal friend. Who's a police officer in a very big city. And, um, it's hearing her stories. It's especially people who have any ties to law enforcement, to military, you know, that side of it and how heart your heart is so heavy because you know that they're on the other side, trying to defend their lives from these people that are exuding hate. For what reason? It's not a personal, because one person put his neon, George Floyd now we've associated all polices
Speaker 2:bad. Right? Well, that's what I was going to speak to is making these blanket judgements. If one, yes. There's corruption in the law enforcement structure, abs of fucking Lilly. But that does not mean that it's all bad. There are really good people that have chosen to really work for subpar pay. They do not make very much money because they believe in protecting freedom. They believe in keeping people safe. Yes, there are some really bad people also that are power hungry and want to use that power to control and to dominate and to manipulate. And absolutely they're both there. But when we make, when we make such blanket statements about police brutality and make it into the entire entirety, the whole narrative that it's, it's a, it's so defeating, but it's just again and there. Yes, there is a, a racial issue in our country. Our country really was founded on a racial issue and it's not just been African Americans. It has not just been African-American Jewish that needs to spend Irish people. And I mean, it's not the color of their skin, but where they come from, you know what I mean? We came in and we took over the indigenous people of this land and squash them out of their land and slaughtered them. Terrific. Like if you look on a systemic level, which I love to do to see, like, what's the roots of this, our country was founded on these principles of domination, of segregation, of, um, prejudice of racism, of power, really, and separation and status and class on money and power. Like you just said, all of those pieces and yes, that has been primarily from the white man. Absolutely. Yes. And I'm a white woman and I don't, I don't feel like I carry, I don't carry that. Right. You know, I can, especially in the West, the whole West was ancestral work of going into your lineage and breaking the chains of the good and the bad and not carrying over just because my ancestors did X, Y, and Z. Does that mean that's who I am. Right. Am I defined by the color of the, my skin, the, the whatever. And then if you go into past lives, my belief is we play all the roles. I know I've had lives as a slave in the deep South. I know I have. I've also had lives of the slave owner. I know I have, I've seen it. I know I've had lives of a native American. I know I have. I've felt it. I've seen it. Um, I know I've had lives of the white oppressor. I know I have. So we're so interconnected to all of it. And we have played a part in every aspect of it. And my belief is the answer is in your body, what you're feeling, if you feel called in your truth to go protest, do it. There's probably wounding that needs to be healed. There's probably some balance that needs to be made, but there's more than one way to show up. Right? So shaming people that they're not posting the narrative, or they're not protesting, or they're not donating in the way, they're not showing up in the way that you judge valuable, you're creating separation. And you're actually doing the exact thing that you're protesting. You're in the same energetic field and nothing will change. If we keep putting the same thing out there, we're just going to keep flipping the coin, flipping the coin. We're on the other side of the coin. Now it's like our government system, it's Republican or Democrat, but I believe they're the same thing. It's just the other side of the coin because they're just puppets.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Yeah. And what I, uh, to finish a little bit of what I was speaking before with my friend, it was interesting to hear her perspective of, she sees Bo she sees the protesters that come up and give her a hug and thank you for everything you're doing and hand them water. They don't have, like, they don't have time and energy to, um, and money to actually go out and get food and water. So people that are donating, it's been so appreciated. Um, they, she had an African American man say, you know, rolled down his window, drive by and thank you. You know, my family comes from law enforcement, thank you for what you're doing. That's beautiful. You know, she's a mother with two little girls and, and a husband that works in any way. I don't, I don't want to share too many details, but, um, you know, she's standing there. They're all standing there afraid for their lives because of these, these writers that are going against them. But to the whole narrative piece, she did communicate across from there, the police department, the law there's landscapers coming in and putting rocks in the landscaping, in the building, across the street. And so they call over and they're like, what the hell are you doing right now? When we have writers that are throwing bricks and throwing things, you know, frozen bottles of water, that kind of thing. And she's had people in her that have been injured and what, you know, why are they doing that? And the woman's like I had no idea were even doing landscaping. I didn't even think we had money to do landscaping. I don't even, I have no idea. Where's that coming from? Where are these bricks coming from? Hillary Clinton was in court yesterday. Well, the last few days, Obama gate trials are starting her, by the way her requests got tonight. I was just reading that this morning and her request was not to have to testify in regards to the emails because she's above the law. Yes. Which is not. And this is what Trump has been saying that, you know, the going back to the rule of law, which is that nobody is above the law, including himself. Um, anyway, so that, that piece is fascinating and it's not to discount what the, the hurt, the pain, the anger, the sadness that is happening on the planet. But is it possible that a lot of this is being charged by the puppeteers that have been trying to rule, to rule and govern our emotions, how we act, how we behave and my answer to that is apps. Yep. That's what's happening. That's what is happening.
Speaker 2:When I look at it from a big view and you bring in, um, 3d 45 D all of these things are happening at the same time, we have all of this 3d density and violence and the need for change of something that has been so oppressed and the deep wounding that's happening. Right. And that showing up in black lives matter. And there's so much truth in that yes, black lives matter and yes, the racial equality needs to shift. And yes, everyone has a right to the ideals of living in our United States of America, regardless of race, creed, skin, color, religious affiliation. So that's all happening. And then on another level, you have this, um, Illuminati, uh, deep state manipulation going on, where they're fighting to the power. Yeah. And then on another level, it's all in service. It's all in service to breaking down the structures that are going to that have kept us enslaved, because I believe we're all slaves were slave to a system we're slave to an economy we're slave to big pharma. We're enslaved to debt, to the main money system where in tower and tell, you can step out of that paradigm and see it for what it is and tell, we can call in green Tara and step into our sovereignty and realize, and be responsible for our complete power of creating our reality. And when we do that, we're stepping out of fear out of the three D out of the manipulation, out of the control. And we start stepping into our God self. And the only way the collective is going to shift is if the individual starts shifting. So it's an individual work to heal the collective,
Speaker 1:which this was a remember, I think when we were going into lock, locked down and, you know, people were saying that rights are getting taken away and you have to do something. And I was reading a post because it's always like, where's my place to step in, show up. How do I want to show up? And he he's someone who is somewhat in the spiritual narrative and, and a lot of the narrative that we're talking about. And he was kind of blasting people who just sit back and just say, all we need to do is love and do nothing. And I sat with that for a minute, because especially this last week where I'm not, I felt, I felt I was asking myself, am I, if I'm doing nothing, you know, and then it hit me, actually, I'm doing the most that I can right now, which is working my family system, working my shadow, wounds, working all of those pieces that live within me. And so were 15 other women sitting in that circle. And the way that nature Gaia was showing up double rainbows like this beautiful lightening, it wasn't even, we weren't taught. Did you notice the huge rainstorm that we all had? There was nothing on the forecast for rain. We had a deer show up and sit on somebody's. Anyway, we do a lot of work in the land that showed up in this space. We've had, I mean, really beautiful, beautiful expressions and mirroring back to the work that we were doing, because when you do it always reminds me of that story that I've told in one of our podcasts, as far as the shaman, who gets called into the village, that was out of alignment and they weren't getting rained for their, their crops. And she does go into solitude and works on all of those disjointed places that were within her, in that space. And after three days, it's, I've heard three days, seven days, who knows how long she comes out, it starts to rain. And it does it. It's just such a beautiful example of when we do and are in alignment with what our personal work is. And, you know, there's, there's both sides of the coin. On one hand, there are the people that need to say their voice need to speak, whatever it is, need to be angry, needs to be. And I, I understand that. And I also understand more deeply the power of doing your Perth. The reason why you're angry is because there's a shadow expression that is coming out. And until you bring light to that shadow of why am I so angry? What is it within me? It has nothing actually to do with what's happening on the outside. It's a reflection of where your internal world is. What can I do in that sense is do my fucking personal work, because that anchors it into the planet. Energetics are so there's so powerful. This whole, here's another topic I'm going to bring up. That's going to be a little interesting and is fascinating to me. We were learning how to do extractions of entities. And when you, the, when we're in a shadow place, you're more exposed to attracting entities that are other world like that do take over your nervous system. You have a hard time sleeping. Your personality changes, the shadow aspects of you become more expressed. And so part of me is fascinating to wonder how much of that is almost like this virus, another virus in a shadow. We round that starting to happen now in, in a lot of the collective of these protesters that are living in the shadow and the shadow is building and building and building. And so it's, there's a huge call for more and more light. Yes. Well, and because we're on
Speaker 2:we're, we're a 3d planet, duality exists, and as much darkness as we have, we'll have that much light and as much light that we bring up, the dark is going to be there too. It's a, it's a balance. It's a balance. So sitting with that and staying out of good or bad right or wrong, better or worse is just what is, and it's how working in the shadows. We can find our light because I really believe that's where we find. And we have to go into the shadowy realms. We have to go into our wounds. We have to integrate those pieces of us. What part of me is feeling anger at racial inequality and why and why, what part of me feels like I need to be violent in this situation? What part of me feels like I need to shame people? Well, like you've said, it's something that is being reflected back to us. And so how powerful that is to shift ourselves and the whole paradigm changes, nothing changes physically our experience in it. Like we see it in a different view, as fascinating while in
Speaker 1:it goes in. I mean, our whole podcast, finding oneness and duality, how do we hold the paradox? Because that's what if we're in a three D world and we don't really want to be pulled to one side or the other, we do get pulled to one side or the other. And then it is a call to ask us to go inward in my belief. And I feel like you have the same belief, but how can we hold like the Shiva lingam, how can we hold the unity in all of it, all thing, all of this is true. All of this is true. It's an expression that people are choosing to exhibit it's. It's the puppeteers that are actually creating a lot of the narrative that's happening so that we're not talking about. What's actually really like some of these, these are fucking huge things that are happening in our government right now, huge pluses in election year, you had a president who is not a politician by the way, Hillary is supposed to testify in September. So it'll be fascinating to watch what happens. And I'm, I'm, I'm saying this because even if you take anything away from this, just pay attention, just start paying attention to what's happening in the political arena and what's happening in the world. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, and that's what I was going to say is it's a election year. We've had a president that has stepped in and start to break down these long standing policies and structures, the pedophilia ring that is rampant in our, in our country and brings power to those that have been in control. He is a Renegade. He says things that rub the people right away. And my belief is how he's in service is he's waking people up. I agree. He's waking people up. And my daughter was just telling me that a court document came out, that he was actually involved in pedophilia and, um, violently harming some young girls. And I don't know if that's true or not. I really hope that it's not. And, and it could be, it could be true and it could be true. So there's still that, um, paradox of someone in power that may have some really bad things that they need to atone for, or come, come to at one mint with, and they're serving the country in a way that we need to be served. You know what I mean? Yeah. I was trying to look up. I was just cause there are things happening. Like there was a, I think it was in Minnesota,
Speaker 1:a Catholic priest who just got, um, I think the court it's like millions of dollars of damages that he, um, that was the ruling in regards to sex pedophilia that he had done like harm. I want to say it was like$23 million. I mean a huge amount of money in Minnesota, which is interesting to know. Um, and again, this is where if you can start paying attention, start following the accounts that are the conspiracy theorists of what's actually happening. And again, conspiracy theorists are just true. Seekers, go be a true seeker. Even with saying this, I was watching a Fox news, um, that Kristy did you watch Kristy's no, not yet. It was interesting to watch because he was essentially saying, you know, this narrative needs to be talked about why, if all of these things are wrong, everything that's happening right now in our political system with the writers, every, all of this is wrong and this is what he was saying and needs to be spoken to. And he as actually the one who was showing, showing, um, I, somebody was wanting to call the police because of the, the vandalism and the, uh, the damage that was happening to buildings. The writers started attacking like brutally attacking this person, a business owner. Like I was just talking about when to go protect his business. He was, he was killed. I mean, the picture, the image of him on the street. Well, it is, I mean, your heart is just like why it just heaves with sadness because it is not just George Floyd. Right? Um, there was a couple who came out to protect their, all their building as well, their business. And they, people took two by fours and were beating these people like this is wrong, but he's talking about how the government officials nobody's really come up and really, really the right or the left really to protect the people. And he also talks about Trump hasn't either. And it's an interesting place to really look at all of the pieces in this, all of the players. And even if he, if I have an opinion that I do with what you just said with Trump, I do feel like he is the absolute right person to be in office right now. Does he have a shadow beside I'm sure he does. I do. You do. Everyone does. Um, but it was an interesting video to watch because he said, what are these people even writing for? If Congress went tomorrow to meet, to go meet the demands and to satisfy the protestors, what would it be? Right. Can anyone answer that question? Right? Anyone? And on the other side, Candace Owens who she ruffles feathers left and right. I love it actually. Yeah. If you go look at the statistics that are out there, I want to say it's like 55% of people killed by police are white. It's LA it's like I was trying to pull it up. I think 30 something, um, are African American. I just sent them to you this morning. Do you remember? But I think it's on Instagram. I know you did text it to me. Yeah. I mean, and there's a few statistics, so you can, well, her posts had 55% white, 27% black, 19% Hispanic. Um, and she says, can anyone provide me the name of even one Hispanic or white person that was killed by a police officer this year? Um, and she just said, it's a bullshit election narrative. It is just, and there's, I mean, this goes into, Oh, this part gets me so riled up when, when, where is the truth? Where's the truth in what everyone is so enraged about. And do you really know why you're so angry? What is the core of all of it? Because there is fear. If you're no matter what color your skin is, there's fear. Right.
Speaker 2:Right. I agree. I agree. And I think that's where it's interesting to look at patterns every election year. And Candice Owen says this in her, her post. And if you don't know who she is, she's a black woman who is speaking out against politics. Really like she's calling bullshit on anything that she sees is bullshit. She is married to a white man, and she's a powerhouse. She's a powerhouse. She's not afraid to step into these forbidden topics. Like she's not a politician that has to keep it politically correct. Like she's going to call it as she sees it. She's very well spoken. Yes. But she says every, um, election year there something about racial inequality that comes to the surface because the democratic party wants that vote. There's something that comes up by the Republicans because the Republicans want that boat. And so it's a manipulation. And when you can start seeing the cycles and the pattern of manipulation, then it makes you go, wait a minute. How am I playing into the manipulation and what needs to change? So I'm not manipulated. And I'm not saying that standing up for what you believe is right. Two of my kids went to a peaceful protest. Yeah. Was standing up for what you believe is right. You're fighting against what's wrong. That's standing up for what you believe is right. Right. I have two children that went to a peaceful protest. Yes. Yesterday and I, as their mother was really concerned for their safety because of what happened in salt Lake city last weekend, it was violent. And there were paid protesters that came in that I believe incited the violence, right? So here's my two children with these big hearts, they're feeling deeply the injustice and the racial inequality and their part in helping that change. Right. And so they're choosing to step into this, um, arena where possible violence may happen happen. And so I said to them, well, to my daughter know exactly how far you're willing to go know exactly why you're there and stand in your power and listen to your body. And if you get that feeling, you need to go get out of there.
Speaker 1:But it was very good advice. And then I have to let go, right? Because if they end up dying for what they believe in, which is a reality, when violence breaks out, I have to let go of that. I don't get to tell them how to live their truths. Right. Even as their mother, I don't get to tell them how to live their truth. And they don't get to tell me, we got into a big fight the night before, because my daughter was shaming me that I wasn't showing up in a way that she deemed valuable.
Speaker 2:And it was important to her
Speaker 1:to express that. And I had the opportunity to say, I am showing up, but it's in the way that my body, my soul, my truth is leading me to do. And that is not the way that yours is. And neither are right and neither are wrong. Right?
Speaker 2:So the shame piece is only feeding into the problem, right? The violence piece is only feeding into the problem. The separation piece is only feeding into the problem, the judgment piece, like I'm sorry, white privilege. Yes. If you are white, you have more opportunities. But to shame someone because they are white as, just as, as the same fucking thing. Right. And you know what? My family, my lineage came from people that had nothing and you know, how they got to where they are hard work, sacrifice, giving up so many things. And I come from a long line of abuse of betrayal, all the things that are experienced in our humanity. And I have a choice. What do I do with that? And maybe the color of this of my skin gave me more opportunity. And that's the thing that needs to shift. I agree, but that is true. Don't judge me for the color of my skin. It's the same theme and that's not going to solve anything. And this is a difficult paradox because I do believe that
Speaker 1:African-Americans or anyone of minority has had a harder time. There's no question that came in to work on the railroads under deplorable conditions. And there's no question, but sitting here in is, is this really, what's the change that we're asking for? We're asking for people's hearts to change. How do you ask people's hearts to change? There's no rule that can be put in place or a law that can be put in place that will actually change the narrative and change the way that people behave towards each other. It's through the way we parent our children, the way we love people, the way we don't see it, it comes from it doesn't come from the system. It comes from the individual. Absolutely. Yes, absolutely. I do want to, again, I want, I feel like this is so important to really this whole blackout Tuesday, again, that was a narrative that was created not by,
Speaker 2:it was a tactic. Hillary was in, in court yesterday. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Interesting timing. Blackout Tuesday. Don't talk on social media. She's in court yesterday. The, um, I was a Catholic Minnesota. Um, Dios is, I don't even know how to diocese to pay 22.5 million to sexual assault victims. And this was just, um, I think it was posted yesterday. Like this just happened yesterday. There's also multiple, multiple planned Parenthood. Officials have admitted under oath to trafficking the body parts and organs of babies. They slaughtered. This is happening right now. Um, I'm trying to see if there's, again, the, the bricks, the rocks, the things like that, that are happening, that are being put out there. There is a narrative that is happening that is being forced by others. Are you going to buy into it? Are you going to choose to pull all of your energy and sovereignty out of this system, the puppeteers, pulling it back into the sovereign self and then from that space choosing how you're going to move forward. Yes. And following that truth, right. Following the truth. Uh, one thing that I have seen I've that I've seen on social media that I feel like I can get behind is this idea of amplify and what the amplify is, is using your right privilege, which is the term to give a platform to those that haven't been heard. And that is people of minority, of, of African American, um, race, skin, black skin color, right. And so using platforms to give them a voice, because I feel when you have deep wounding, you have to speak to it and it's not going to solve it. If we are speaking to it, talking about people of white color, right? The healing comes from those who have experienced it, speaking to it, standing in their power and saying no more. And we can do that by amplifying that for them, for us. And see, I don't even like the language of them because it's a separation. It's all of us as humanity, it's speaking together and giving voice to whatever's hiding in the shadows to come to the surface. And that's why this is so important right now. It's never, this has always been happening, but right now it's on the surface and what an opportunity, a beautiful opportunity for healing, for healing. Well, and it's, it's interesting because, you know, I have a, there's one friend in particular that I'm thinking of who, um, she's an African American woman here in Utah, and she's been very angry and very vocal. So watching her posts and whatnot, and, and especially having children, children here or wherever it is, you know, especially as moms, we want to protect our children. And she was talking about how her daughter was, and I don't know how long ago this was. She was wearing a bikini and a bandana. And so it was her white friend and the mom of the white friend said to her, Oh my you're scaring me dress like that. And yet she was dressed exactly the same way as her white friend was. And again, it's a stereotyping that does need to change. But again, it comes back to the individual, my sister, who has adopted children that have colored skin, you know, she's like, these are hard conversations and she's had the TV on and actually had them watch what's going on. And it's like all sides of the gamut, every there's truth, there's truth in all, all aspects. And my heart goes out to all aspects. And have I had more opportunities because I'm white. Yes I can. Yes, I do. I have. And again, do I think that the narrative that's happening right now is going to elicit change? I don't know. I've you can't change anything by using the same tactics, energy agreed. You can't well, not gonna, nothing's gonna, you're just gonna get more of the same. It's just on the other side of the coin. It's the pendulum Swift or swing. And if you're holding anger, there's no place for love. If you're holding fear, there's no place for compassion. Right. So how do you shift that narrative again, coming back to the self. What's my truth. Why am I anger? Why am I hurt? Where is there racism and judgment within me? Why is it there? How can I change it? How can I raise my children to not see the color of somebody's skin and pass and not pass judgment? Right? How do we celebrate our diversity? Yeah. How do we unite in our diversity? And for me, I feel like I do that. Like I love, I love people in general. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin. I live in an area that is predominantly white when there've been more diversity. I'm like, thank God, thank God. When I go to the grocery store, I'm like, Holy cow, this is amazing. I love it because we have been primarily in a white, white state. Utah is primarily white, especially in Utah County. So I love that. There's more diversity. I celebrated, I I'm excited for that. Oh, this is something else I thought was interesting. The whole Astros have you with we're going into shadow, sees all the well, yes. So we have a full moon with a powerful clips and then all of the planets that are in retrograde. And again, if you look at patterns across time and you compare to what was happening astrologically at the time, it's the same thing that's happening right now. So we're being supported in a big way. Now you share that food for thought. The last time Saturn was an Aquarius was during the Rodney King riots. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during the American revolution. Neptune was in Pisces when Rome fell. So it is interesting. And we're going into three we're in eclipse season, which eclipses always bring out the shadow aspect so it can be eclipsed out. So we're, we're in just heavy energetics. And again, this comes to being a conscious creator of your sovereign self. If all of this is going on, can I pull my energy back from these aspects, from the Astros, from the energetics that are on the planet? Can I call all of that in to my being so that I don't have these cordings, these tend to Coles, whatever out I can be aware of what's going on, but I can shut off the TV. I can turn off social media. I can do all these things I can recognize when I'm starting to get caught in the narrative and I'm getting charged. And then why am I getting charged, shutting it off, going in inward? And what can I do? What feels in alignment for me to do yes. And maybe it's sitting in meditation and anchoring love and peace and harmony and to the planet. Maybe it's doing a ceremony. This, this week reminded me the importance of ceremony of gathering together with like minded individuals that have
Speaker 2:the same, you know, agenda of love, of peace, of harmony, of radical unity. And also speaking up when you see something that does like, doesn't feel right, speak up in your everyday life, whether the person is black or white or native American or old or young, anytime you see something that doesn't feel right. Speak up, be the voice for change. Yes. I know I've seen a lot of people
Speaker 1:posting that, especially that are in Pathak and they're aware of it. They're feeling so heavily the energetics of the planet, because you're feeling emotions that are not yours. And again, my advice at this may be you check in with yourself, is this my emotions or my feeling, the collective energy of the planet, because those are two different things. And most of us are empathic. So again, this comes back to the sovereign self what's mine. What's not mine. What's not mine. I'm going to say I'm, I'm giving back to whoever it is. And I'm pulling back in all of my energy. And then from that place, I can make more conscious choices. I'm not reacting. Yes. We're in our body consciously create yes. In my body. Yeah. I believe we're all empathic, by the way I do. It's just whether or not you're tuned into it, whether or not you understand, I found
Speaker 2:it. And that's why we can be so easily manipulated. Right? Because reactive and yes, because we feel the energy of things we tune in consciously or unconsciously. And then based on what we're holding in our body, like our wounds, our truth, it were moved to action, right? So if we are in a huge space of wounding, of an integrated pieces of ourselves, we're gonna respond to the shadow. It's going to trigger us. We're going to feel a lot of emotion around it. And what a great opportunity that is to say, why, why am I feeling this so deeply? Why am I called to this action? Why, what is it that it's? And we've said this before, what, what is it marrying within me? And what can I do about it?
Speaker 1:Because nobody, no one and nobody, whatever is going to fix that within you, no matter what changes on the planet, if you still have this anger, whatever it is that lives within you, it will not change until you are courageous enough to look in those deep shadowy places within you and provide healing inside yourself for yourself. That is the only way you will feel peace. It is not going to be whatever's happening in our world. I can, I can promise you that,
Speaker 2:right? Yes. And I believe on a big level, on a five D level, when you can see outside of the narrative, you can see outside of the collective we're in a life death life cycle. And in order for change to happen, things have to die. I agree. Our structures of government, of healthcare, of money of banks, even our schooling system education, these institutionalized structures are structures of slavery. And I would like to invite you to sit with that, sit with it, challenge yourself if this were true, what would that look like? How is the government a system of slavery? How is big pharma system of slavery? How is our food system of system of slavery? How has our money system, a system of slavery? They're all hierarchal hierarchy means someone's at the top. And a whole bunch of people are at the bottom. And then how, as these systems come down, which they are and will, how can we create a more cynical? It's just that it is, it is it's called sin, Archy, sin, Archy, instead of hierarchal, where we have a structure of power, we have sin Archy, which means everyone has their place of belonging. And everyone is contributing in a way that comes from their truce. And there's enough for everyone. And it's a give and take. And as a system of equality for everyone, it's a system of abundance and South Carson's yes. Hierarchy creates scarcity. And in order for these systems that we've had in place for a, how long to break down there will be chaos. There has to be always proceeds change, especially when we're so deeply entrenched to an illusion we're so deeply entrenched to assist them. We've been programmed from birth to be a product of a system, right. Even our family systems. Oh yeah. That's why it's hard to step out of and break out of the tribal law. Absolutely. I all levels until your truth is so big that you say I no longer belong in that tribal system. Well, and the family system has been breaking down too, of what that even looks like, Oh, wait, two women can be married and have a family. Yep. Yeah. They can, they can be happy and beautiful and, and whatever. And I mean, this is a whole other podcast. Yeah. But yeah, big breath. Right, right. Yeah. I think what's important to me to communicate is, um, what's happening right now is really important. And I'm not negating that I'm not taking away from the movement that needs to happen. And I believe it's both a narrative and it's a movement and it's, it's really interesting to see both sides of it. And they're both in service, right? Because the narrative is forcing something to the surface that people are wanting to change. Right. What are they wanting to change? That's that's the kicker though. Well, that's where it is. All of this asking to change. That's what I think the amplify is give voice to those that feel suppressed, that feel judged, that fill, um, racial inequality so that they can speak to the wound. They can speak to the wound. And it's not just in the African American race while also with women. It's also with, um, I don't, I it's, it's in so many places. Right. And again, it lives within.
Speaker 1:So even if these people, even if these people get amplified and they have a platform to share, will they share, will they feel satisfied in their sharing? Will they? I mean, it goes on and on and on. Will they feel good enough worthy enough? Whatever, because there is a court wounding that's so personal and individual that nothing outside of us will fix and heal that. And we are creating our experience. Yes. It takes you out of the Vic. All of these things are, yes, it's all true. That's where it gets so tricky. Right? Because we want to be, we
Speaker 2:as ourselves to validate the truth we feel we do. And that's what I see happening. We're polarizing ourselves. We're creating division ourselves. And if you're trying to enslave people, conquer and divide, man gives you more power. Right. And this is the piece though, that while all things are true, I, I, I get angry.
Speaker 1:We are being controlled. And that's the part that has to stop. That's the part where, when you were speaking to Trump, I do believe people are waking up. Even if it's in an angry way, they are waking up, they are seeing the illusion of good God, was it? Um, uh, one of the news channels did live. They said it was live footage of, uh, aerial of a city being in, in riots. It was the same footage from world war Z. Did you see this again? There's so many, yes. World Wars. The, I can show you the picture. I totally believe it. The media is up fat lie. And I, again, though, and this is where you pop it up and you allow yourself to see, okay, maybe we were enslaved in the beginning and have we continued to be enslaved and how have we continued to be enslaved? And this is what is coming up. And this is partly why I think there's so much anger of wait a minute. Are you fucking kidding me? I've thought I was doing whatever it was in my life. And I have been controlled by white people really. And this is probably where some of the core wounding comes from is more of the people that are, the puppeteers are not of color. They are white. And especially, you know, there's both male and female. I actually don't believe they're human. Yes. But they're presenting themselves as white podcasts of last week reptilians. But the, you know, Soros who owns all of the media channels, then the narrative, the operation paper clip of, Hey, if we can put this narrative in movies, in the news channels, all these things that people trust and they put their faith into, Oh God, can you, I mean, good God, of course they can control the narrative. Yeah. But now we're waking up. Interesting. George Soros is also the funder of black lives matter. Well, he also, there was a quote and I wish I would have taken a picture that he said to control the narrative. You start doing race, you pull the racism. Absolutely. You also on Democrats, I've also been funding Antifa by the way, putting money at what's his Biden. Um, and they need to make sure that I said that, right. But I know in this Fox news things that I was watching talked about how they, maybe it was an aunt, I think it was Antifa, but it was writers for sure that he's funded. Which again makes you fucking think, right? So police for the love of God, this is my ask. Open your eyes, see all sides, both sides of the coin, all sides of this planet that we are living on. How much have you allowed for your narrative to be controlled? How much of it is actually coming from your inner self, your inner wounding wounding? Why is it there? Great act from that space, go heal. Those places, whatnot. Or how much of it is because you are being controlled by someone else. Yeah. That is my ask. If you want a really interesting show to watch,
Speaker 2:and maybe you've already seen it, um, that I feel is telling the story is Westworld. I haven't watched it yet. Especially season three, watch all three, but season three came out before this year. Even like, well, it came out in February, I think, or March, but it was filmed before this year. And it is eerie in the story it's telling, it's telling the story of right now and randomly characters in different scenes are wearing a black mask.
Speaker 1:And though, is that possible? How is it possible that how many years ago there's a show on Netflix that is essentially depicting what has happened with the coronavirus? Yeah. How is it? I mean, you start looking when you start looking. Yeah. You start going, what the fuck? And sometimes it's a lot, it's a little too much to take in. So taking little nuggets at a time, if you think of, if you call it a TV program or you look at movies as programs or you look at, and our brains are computers as program, if you're going to introduce things to people in a way that's very subtle so that when it actually comes into reality and they don't question it, where would you do that? Movies, TV, absolutely video games. Yeah, music. It's all frequency. And it's meant, that's why they call it a TV program. It is programming. And I do want to speak a little bit to the whole entity thing that is fucking real. The energetics are real there's. We are, we are in an energetic hologram of our own creation, which is, which is when you start thinking about it, sometimes your brain is like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. But you have to get out of the brain. That's why you have to get out of three D you have to get into a five D nonlinear higher perspective. But I know from very real personal experience, especially as a shaman practitioner, the energetics that happen on my table, the things that I see, I can crystallize the crystallized daggers that people throw at someone else, the entities that look like, um, what you see actually in, um, the show that was, has been really popular about the upside down. Oh yeah. Stranger things, right? These kind of shows actually make you more available for this insidious things to intake, to go into your bodies. And you may not feel it because you're not him as sensitive enough, or you may feel it in ways that you're like, something's just wrong with me. Something's off. I can't sleep. I'm irritable. Or it's lived with you for 35 fucking years. I mean, there's so many stories as far as entities. And, um, there's actually an entity that I hate to even talk about, but it's kind of a guru entity that comes in of the people that say, they're the only ones this being has communicated to them. And they're the only ones that can hear it. They're the chosen one. They're their narrative is a very black and white. Like, you need to listen to me, I'm always right. That kind of thing. This is actually an entity that has embedded into this being. Um, and so the reason why I bring it up again is how much of the shadow aspect are you allowing in your home, in your environment, in what you're watching, listening to music is huge. Cause it's all frequency, right? I want to offer a book by the way, I can do extractions or anybody. Who's like, Holy fuck. I need an extraction. It's amazing. I personally have experienced that. And the difference I feel felt after. So, um, anyway, I'd like to
Speaker 2:bring in a book that I'm reading right now and it's called the great human potential it's, um, channeled by Tom Kenyon and then another woman. I don't, I thought I had it right here, but I don't. Um, she channels the palladium and the night ninth dimension ladies is powerful. So if this is sparking anything in you to look at things differently outside of the illusion of the lie, and you're wanting some more things to read, I feel like this book is, is, are really powerful. I agree because it's, um, it's shared in a way that's assessable and you don't have to get too far out of the paradigm to see, to, to understand, to maybe take on a different view. So if that speaks to you, I'll put it in the references for the podcast. Um, it's a really anything by Tom Kenyon, if, and if you're needing, like if you're too stuck in a three D reality where you're in this linear thinking cause and effect, and, um, none of this is available to you. I'd also really recommend, um, going to Tom kenyon.com. He has all kinds of sound frequency, meditations that will open your mind and take you out of three D thinking into five D experience five D viewing really is the word. Um, because all of these, you can't see the illusion for what it is when you're in it. And you're in the 3d paradigm. Just being able to see the forest for the trees cause in, and I, and I don't believe that it's a hierarchal structure of 3d is bad. Five D is better. I believe there are different experience of our, of who we are. And 3d is actually really valuable. And we chose to be here. Yeah. We chose to be here in the us. And that's one of the things that I loved in the beginning. Cause I haven't read the whole book, but in the beginning, how it talks about really being present with what is these whole emotional gamut of what we experienced is it's like the music to our movies that were, you know, if you took out the music into a movie, it would not nearly be as beautiful. Right? So allowing ourselves to really be present with what is where we are, because I noticed even myself like, okay, well this our world, we're moving into a five D state. And like almost as this reaching outside of hoping for that to be the truth. Instead of just being here, being present with what is watching, what's unfolding, what can I do each day and being really, really in the now, yes. I believe it's having a 3d embodied experience with the five D view. That's, that's how we can navigate it because we are, we're not here to transcend. We're here to live. We're here to integrate. We're here to expand our stand. And I believe
Speaker 1:we're so interconnected on so many levels that we're doing great healing through what we experienced in three D through our genetic DNA. That is not all human. That is intergalactic. And that's why earth has so much attention. Yeah. Alright, Amanda, so you had a powerful ask. Well just what comes in right now. What's the ask for our, uh, episode today? Well personally on a personal level, what I would love and the ass that I'm asking myself is to really be conscious with, yes, this is happening in the world, but what is mine? What is mine? What am I choosing to do with it? How can I heal the places within me and how can I anchor that frequency into the planet wall honoring and respecting everyone else? I don't respect the violence. I don't respect the deaths. I don't respect that. No, I do not. And I will make that very clear. And that's part of the open, your fucking eyes and seeing the narrative and I get, and this is where I get a little charged again, just to open, I guess my ask is open your eyes. Okay. Why am I reacting? Why am I reacting right now? And how can I move into response? Which response is a conscious choice rather than being driven by an unconscious reacting, something which is reaction. Yeah. Yeah. Beautiful. Be so brave. Don't forget them free. He's so brave. VSO brave be so brave. We're being brave and brave does not mean external. Brave can also mean going the work for me that I, we just experienced in the West of being brave enough to go look at those shadow elements of where do I personally have my own personal triangle and actually being brave enough to go, yep. I sit here and play all these roles. I have these shadow aspects. I do this form of judgment. I ha I hold this type of racism, whatever it is being brave enough to look at all the pieces within yourself, those shadow aspects and owning it, healing it and integrate, owning it, integrating it. Yeah. So there's now wisdom instead of emotional charge and it is not your store. Like it's, it's a place of having your story from a place of wisdom, like you just said, but not what's controlling you and not what's running the narrative. Yeah. All right. Have a great week. Don't forget to breathe.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for joining us today and spending some of your valuable time with us. We hope there was something that you gained in your awareness that you can now share into the world. Remember you are a divine creator. So what are you creating today? Come check us out on Instagram, finding oneness and duality. We'd love to hear your feedback. We would just love to hear from you. Please feel free to come check us out. Relationships are two-sided. So come be the other side, finding.oneness.dot
Speaker 3:it's too long. Thank you. So, okay. You gotta stop. Oh, you had to pull that in. Laughter is good for the soul. Alright.
Speaker 4:Okay.