Finding Oneness In Duality
Finding Oneness In Duality
Walking The Beauty Path
In episode 8, Amanda and I dive into an exploration of the idea of Walking the Beauty Way. WTF does that look like and how do we embody a new way of navigating life in an empowered, Divine Feminine energy? During challenging times of change, life is demanding an elevated approach for birthing new outcomes. As we change, everything changes.
We have an opportunity to walk The Beauty Way and practice turning inward to find our place of truth in the present moment to inform us of the next movement we choose to make. We are powerful in alchemizing our lives as we move from repeating patterns to a more expanded experience in our ability to consciously create our lives. We are being asked to drop into our bodies and feel our way through the unknown, surrender our plans, and be ok not knowing what's next.
How would our lives change if we understood the interconnectedness of all things? We believe we need to shift from a place of dominion on the planet to a place of a symbiotic relationship. This can be done by looking at our own traumas and being willing to do the healing work to come to a place of wholeness. Identifying our coping skills and when they are active will help us to become more conscious of our patterns and inform us as to how we can let go of the need to control, feel unloved and unsafe, and potentially repeat unwanted family patterns. Healing our traumas will allow us to alchemize a painful and charged experience into a place of compassion and deep wisdom. When we heal ourselves and our relationships, we can start to understand the ripple effect that takes place through the collective consciousness, and we can help to heal the world.
Walking The Beauty Way asks us to look inward and practice living in a more balanced and unified place within ourselves as we embody an elevated practice of BEING. Our ask today is: How is my outer world reflecting my inner world back to me?
REFERENCES: Dr Masaru Emoto water experiments can be found on YouTube, Reconnect is the documentary we referenced on Ayuhasca and can be found on LondonReal.com